General News in Wetheral in Wetheral

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Wetheral Parish Council

News and updates from our parish
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Road Closure, Scotby


 A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Electricity North West to carry out utility works which are expected to commence 8th April 2024 and anticipated to take 5 days to complete.

Please see below details of the extents of the closure and alternative route, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link

Location: Broomfallen Road, Scotby from its junction with Lady Steps, extending in a north easterly direction for approx. 120m.

Alternative Route: A suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the unrestricted section of Broomfallen Road, B6263 and the C1038 Wetheral to Scotby.Should you have any queries in relation to this restriction please contact the Highways Hotline by calling 0300 373 3736 or via the Cumberland Council website, quoting the reference TTROC/10135

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