By Wetheral Parish Council on Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Category: General News

Temporary Road Closure - C1038, Wetheral Pasture, Wetheral - 02.09.2019

Attached is a location plan detailing the extents of a temporary road closure which has been put in place to allow Northern Gas Networks to carry out new connections works.

These works are due to commence 2nd September 2019 and have an approximate duration of 5 days.

Location: A section of the C1038 Wetheral Pasture, Wetheral, from its junction with the B6263, extending in a south easterly direction for approximately 1,000m.

Alternative Route: A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times and a suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the unrestricted section of the C1038, C1040 and the B6263. 

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